COPE Project

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Welcome to the COPE Forum
(Cambridgeshire Older People's Enterprise)
COPE represents the older people of Cambridgeshire, ensuring their voices are heard.
Membership of COPE is FREE, and open to anyone aged 50 or over in Cambridgeshire, inclusive of all ethnicities, faiths and political views.   Anyone living in Cambridgeshire is welcome to join COPE and add to our voice.  

Registered individual membership today is just under 3,000. Our strength is in our Numbers!

What are forums? Forums are independent organisations which give a collective voice to older people. They are run by older people, for older people. As well as their campaigning efforts, many have social activities, run trips and hold open meetings, helping to break down isolation by providing opportunities for older members of the community to socialise, meet new people and keep in touch with local news.
COPE is your Forum in Cambridgeshire and we acknowledge the valuable financial support from Cambridgeshire County Council, Cambridge City Council, South Cambs District Council, Huntingdon District Council and members' donations.

Why join COPE?
· To meet like minded people with similar interests.
· To go on organised trips to theatre, shows and other places of interest for educational or just fun.  Also local venues for lunch, scrabble, quizzes, and walks.

· To take part in Talking Together, a free programme of telephone-based discussions about topics of shared interest.
· Bi-monthly Newsletters full of information and interesting articles, in simple language and no jargon – a good easy read – with recipes, jokes, puzzles, contacts and activities.
· Representing, signposting and campaigning on issues affecting seniors in Cambridgeshire.

If you would like more information please phone COPE on 01223 364303 or email

COPE is a registered Charity run by volunteers.
Registered Charity No. 1110887
Last updated 24 September 2021
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